The #1 question I’m asked before every photo session: what should I wear?!

If you’re stressed about what choosing what to wear for a family photo session, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Chances are, you’re not just picking one outfit for yourself, a slightly easier task, but you’re likely choosing outfits for your entire family. You’re stressed about matching too much or too little. You want to wear something that looks great in photos and show off your family’s unique personality. I get it! Investing in professional photos isn’t cheap and you want to make the most of it.

My advice?

Remember to Stay C.A.L.M. (aka follow these simple guidelines below to make choosing what to wear for your next family photo session easy, breezy, lemon-squeezy)


Color coordinate with the background: The predominant color of the background or location should be the starting place for choosing outfit colors that will complement the scene. For example, for outdoor Fall family photos in Rochester, the predominant colors of the scene will be warm tones, like oranges, yellows, reds, and browns. You’ll want to incorporate colors in your outfits that complement the Fall colors, like greens and blues 


Avoid bright colors and patterns: choose light / neutral / muted colors, especially as your primary outfit color. Earth, natural, and jewel tones are your photo’s best friend! They look great in almost any setting and they’re easier to coordinate. Another good rule of thumb is to not have more than one person in the group wear a pattern. I usually encourage only using patterns as a layer or an accessory, and the more subtle the pattern (both in scale and color), the better.


Layer up! Layers and accessories are your friend. They add texture and interest to your outfit. Not to mention that wearing layers, like a jacket or a hat, gives you something to do with your hands–super bonus! Also, what child doesn’t look absolutely adorable in a jean jacket or a little hat!?


Movement and flow: think flowy dresses, soft fabric, satin, long skirts, loose fabric, hair down. Anything that moves and catches light will result in photo magic!

Follow those simple guidelines for choosing what to wear for your next family photo session and I can guarantee that you’ll look great, feel great, and you’ll get pinterest-worthy photos that you can’t wait to hang on your walls!

Want to get more tips and inspiration for what to wear for your family photo session?

Click the link below to get my full 13-page Seasonal Style Guide delivered to your inbox! The guide includes a list of styling mistakes to avoid, how to choose colors, and examples by season, and more!

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